All - I'm compiling a list of wallet upgrades to provide to the team. Please respond if you have additional ideas.

02 Feb 2023, 17:22
All - I'm compiling a list of wallet upgrades to provide to the team. Please respond if you have additional ideas. Here's what I've got so far: 1. Spelling errors corrected 2. Addition of a portfolio view where delegators can see all the information about their staked FRA (validator, amount, rewards, unbonding countdown, etc). 3. Drop-down menus/address book to select previously imported/used wallet addresses. 4. Biometrics login (mobile) 5. In app wallet upgrades instead of downloading new installers. 6. Governance functionality (validator voting engagement, FIP, etc). 7. Ability to redelegate quickly 8. Search ability to quickly find specific validator.