Congrats to Saharsh Agrawal, Findora's #EthSF Hackathon winner.

11 Nov 2022, 21:24
🎊 Congrats to Saharsh Agrawal, Findora’s #EthSF Hackathon winner! Saharsh is using Findora and XMTP to build an identity-verified chat app that can be integrated into any Web3 game. His goal is to help protect gamers, but the tech has many other potential use cases. Using ZK-DID, the browser extension Saharsh built could verify if a player was older than 18 without the player needing to reveal their birthdate. It would allow for players to be matched in the same age group or skill range while preserving their privacy. The same system can be adapted to verify other credentials. As the grants program ramps back up, expect more from Saharsh Agrawal and many other developers building privacy into their dApps! Be on the lookout for our updated grants landing page, coming in a couple of weeks!